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Heighington - a general history

Dublin Daily Express, Tuesday, October 5th, 1897:
ALLEGED MURDER AT SEA. Dover. Monday. At Dover to-day a boy named Sullivan, of South Shields, was remanded on a charge of fatally shooting Francois Ravalee, fireman of the West Hartlepool steamer Heighington, which arrived at Dover on Saturday. The only witness was a German fireman named Kunz, who said the prisoner on the voyage asked deceased for some beer and cigarette papers. The Frenchman replied that had no beer, and was producing some cigarette papers when Sullivan drew a revolver and fired at him. The witness expressed the opinion that the affair was accidental, as there was no quarrel. At the inquest this afternoon Kunz repeated his belief that the shooting was accidental, and said that Sullivan had always been quiet and amicably disposed. The accused volunteered the statement that he was going to let Ravalee have look at the pistol when it exploded. At this stage the inquiry was adjourned, the Coroner saying he regarded the case as serious.

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