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Sceptre - a general history

Official No. 12917: Code Letters LDTC.

Owners: 1849 Commercial Shipping Co (William Lisle, Abraham Scotson, William Thompson (shipowner Dyke House) & Thomas Rowell) Hartlepool; May 1851 David Rodger, Arbroath; 1854 G Pecket, Sunderland; 1858-75 John Hutchinson, Sunderland; by 1879 J Whitfield, Sunderland.

Masters: 1849-50 John Wilkinson; 1851 Kay; 1852-53 J Porter; 1854-58 G Pecket; 1879 R Hughes.

With the dissolution of the Hartlepool & Durham Shipping Co an auction was held on 15 April 1851 at the Wheat Sheaf Inn at Hartlepool to sell 12 of their vessels including Sceptre.

Bound from Rotterdam for Sunderland in ballast & with a crew of six, as Sceptre left Rotterdam she struck on the bar but continued on her way with no apparent damage. She later sprang a leak & the pumps became choked with sand ballast & she was abandoned to founder off Great Yarmouth in 52.31.45N/01.49.30E on 11 April 1879. It was thought that striking the bar had caused damage to her hull. No lives lost.

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